
MaSyMoS Core - create and query the DB

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With the Versioning stuff introduced by MP with Search / Retrieval thing is broken. But not all is lost. Mariam can fix it! :)

Meeting 22.06.2016

We structured the todos:

Meeting 27.06.2016

State of the Arts

Documents have these fields: VERSIONID 7ecd2201f8f18c70ae73257a07c1af920ac1e5b2 META {"source":"PMR2","versionDate":"15.01.1970-21:18:38","crawledDate":"11.08.2015-14:49:19"} FILEID!:oyehaug_2009_version1.cellml XMLDOC URI Models have these fields: NAME oyehaug_2009 ID oyehaug_2009_1

Connections for Documents A` and `B`, Diff `C`, and Diffnode `E: A -[HAS_SUCCESSOR]-> B B -[HAS_PREDECESSOR]-> A # plus: A -[HAS_DIFF]-> C -[HAS_DIFF]-> B C -[HAS_DIFF_ENTRY]-> E {bives.attributes}

If some app now asks morre for some search results, it gets some JSON array with results being JSON objects:

        "documentURI": "",
        "filename": "adrian_chandler_hodgkin_1970.cellml",
        "indexSource": "ModelIndex",
        "modelID": "Adrian_Chandler_Hodgkin_Frog_Sartorius_1970",
        "modelName": "adrian_model_1970",
        "score": 0.14604965,
        "versionID": "509066630685501"
        "documentURI": "...",
        "filename": "...",
        "indexSource": "...",
        "modelID": "...",
        "modelName": "...",
        "score": ...,
        "versionID": "..."

I don’t understand all values and there is no documetation available. Why do different models have the same modelID`? What is the model identifier? I guess the URI? But in this case its version specific, see `d86b21d4e6bf68e94e20001a159fb9dd

MP: The modelID is the same, because it was taken from the same repository (CellML) or has the same !BioModels ID. Therefore only the combination of modelID and versionID forms a unique ‘primary key’ if you like so. For a not so comprehensive explanation refer to Also please note, that the versionIDs don’t follow an order. Look at them more like git commit hashes (which they are in case of CellML)

However to make confusion complete: There is a naming glitch between fileID` and `modelID. If I’m remembering correctly the database already had a modelID, filled with the SBML document id…

MS: The modelID is not unique :( for example, these two results are two different models:

        "documentURI": "",
        "filename": "novak_tyson_1993_a.cellml",
        "indexSource": "ModelIndex",
        "modelID": "novak_1993",
        "modelName": "novak_1993",
        "score": 0.18896642,
        "versionID": "509209241194500"
        "documentURI": "",
        "filename": "novak_tyson_1993_b.cellml",
        "indexSource": "ModelIndex",
        "modelID": "novak_1993",
        "modelName": "novak_1993",
        "score": 0.18896642,
        "versionID": "509209584337876"

I’d rather suspect that documentURI and versionID is the primary key? As I remember, I’ve seen in your database on taylor, that the documentURI is the same for different versions of a model, even if it contains version information!? I’m not sure, but I think we should make that super-clear! ;-)


Nevertheless, we propose the following structure: * group all versions of a model into one single object * this object contains all values as usual (plus/minus improvements) * this object contains a key furtherMatches that contains an array of versions as objects with usual keys except redundant ones (e.g. there is no need to repeat the model id etc)

That means this:

        "score": 0.7,
        "modelID": "A",
        "versionID": "1"
        "score": 0.5,
        "modelID": "B",
        "versionID": "1"
        "score": 0.1,
        "modelID": "A",
        "versionID": "2"

becomes this:

        "score": 0.7,
        "modelID": "A",
        "versionID": "1",
                "score": 0.1,
                "versionID": "2"
        "score": 0.5,
        "modelID": "B",
        "versionID": "1"

This way, old application still find all entries that they are looking for. Additionally, applications that are aware of versions may evaluate the array of furtherMatches.


Meeting 2016-06-29