
Web interface to create/modify/share CombineArchives -- see also

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The configuration of webCAT is done via !ContextVariables, please refer to the manual of your !ServletContainer implementation, to see how to set them. For tomcat place a xml file in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/CombineArchiveWeb.xml. An example can be found in our repository.

Common Settings


Determines how many and which messages are logged. Available levels are: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, NONE. Default is WARN


should point to a permanent directory with read/write rights for the !ServletContainer user. WebCAT uses this directory to store every permanent information (archives and some reference information) so it should not adjusted to your server, due to the default configuration points this directory to /tmp/CombineArchiveWebStorage


is the max age of the cached satistical information. So if a client requests the stats and the cache is older than MAX_STATS_AGE, a rescan will be triggered (on a separate thread). This can produce some significant cpu load, so if you plan to provide a larger installation, you should increase the default 180 seconds (3min).


determines if the statistics can be accessed by every user, i.e. without providing the STATS_SECRET.


is used to query all statistics, or query stats even when they are not public.


is the URL used in the feedback button. By default it points to the new ticket page of this project. Feel free to set another URL or in case you want to disable the button, just set an empty string.


is the URL used in the simulate button on the archive page. A direct archive-download url is just concated to this string. By default this URL is not set, leading to hiding the simulate button in the interface.


is the URL to a CaRo converter instance, enabling webCAT to convert CombineArchives to Research Objects, i.e. exporting them.


is the URL to a RoCa converter instance, enabling webCAT to read Research Objects, i.e. importing them.


enables the /share/history endpoint. This endpoint is used by the webCAT migration script and enables sharing multiple workspaces at the same time. By default deactivated.


Quotas are limiting the resources, which are available for your users. By default all quota are set to unlimited (value = 0). To prevent people from misuing webCAT as file storage, when accessable from the internet, you should limit at least some resources.


defines the maximum size of all workspaces together, means the maximum space (+ some bytes for internal information) webCAT is able to obtain on your disk.


sets the maximum size of one workspace.


defines the maximum age of a workspace in seconds, before the workspace is deleted. This prevents webCAT from getting spamed by alot of unused workspaces. A workspace can get older than configurated, because the stats/cleaning job does not run permanently.


is the maximum size of one archive. If it is greater than QUOTA_WORKSPACE_SIZE this option has no effect.


limits the number of archives in one workspace.


limits the number of file in one archive. Should not be less than a couple hundred.


maximum size of file uploads, this also concerns the uploads of existing archives on the create page.