
Web interface to create/modify/share CombineArchives -- see also

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CombineArchive Web - Build and Installation Instructions


The CombineArchive Web Project is a Java web application build with the maven build management tool, so to compile it on your own system, you will need following software packages:

In order to run the application you also need to install a servlet container like tomcat.

Download and Compile the Source

After you installed all neccessary tools, it is time to download the source of the main project with git. This can be accomplished by executing following command on the command line/bash:

git clone

This creates a new folder called combinearchiveweb. Switch into it and start the compiling process with maven:

mvn package

Maven will start to download all dependencies from the central maven repository and from the SEMS maven repository and than it will compile the sources and link all libraries into the target directory, which leads into the creation of a .war file in the target directory.

If you want to compile the SEMS libraries by your self, you can access them via our git repository. To compile and copy them to your local repository, you simply need to execute the maven install goal:

mvn install

For third-party libraries this should also work.


For instructions on how to deploy the war to a server please refer to the Build and Install instructions.