the BiVeS framework

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Use BiVeS from Commandline

BiVeS contains a Main, so you are free to use it from command line. If you do not pass any arguments you’ll see a help page such as (as of version 1.3)

usr@srv $ java -jar /path/to/BiVeS-fat.jar
ExecutionException: no file provided

	[option] FILE1 [FILE2]  compute the differences between 2 XML files

FILE1 and FILE2 define XML files or URLs to XML files on the internet

	[none]                      expect XML files and print patch
	--help                      print this help
	--debug                     enable verbose mode
	--debugg                    enable even more verbose mode

	--CellML                      force CellML comparison
	--SBML                        force SBML comparison
	--compHierarchyDot            get the hierarchy of components in a CellML document encoded in DOT language
	--compHierarchyGraphml        get the hierarchy of components in a CellML document encoded in GraphML
	--compHierarchyJson           get the hierarchy of components in a CellML document encoded in JSON
	--reactionsDot                get the highlighted reaction network encoded in DOT language
	--reactionsGraphml            get the highlighted reaction network encoded in GraphML
	--reactionsJson               get the highlighted reaction network encoded in JSON
	--regular                     force regular XML comparison
	--reportHtml                  get the report of changes encoded in HTML
	--reportMd                    get the report of changes encoded in MarkDown
	--reportRST                   get the report of changes encoded in ReStructuredText
	--xmlDiff                     get the diff encoded in XML format

	by default we will just dump the result to the terminal. Thus, it's only usefull if you call for one single output.
	--json                      encode results in JSON
	--xml                       encode results in XML

	ADDITIONAL OPTIONS for single files
	--documentType                get the documentType of an XML file
	--meta                        get some meta information about an XML file
	--singleCompHierarchyDot      get the hierarchy of components in a single CellML document encoded in DOT language
	--singleCompHierarchyGraphml  get the hierarchy of components in a single CellML document encoded in GraphML
	--singleCompHierarchyJson     get the hierarchy of components in a single CellML document encoded in JSON
	--singleFlatten               flatten the model
	--singleReactionsDot          get the reaction network of a single file encoded in DOT language
	--singleReactionsGraphml      get the reaction network of a single file encoded in GraphML
	--singleReactionsJson         get the reaction network of a single file encoded in JSON


Flatten a CellML file

java -jar /path/to/BiVeS-fat.jar --CellML --singleFlatten